MARTYRIUM "Awakening The Ancient" cd
Definition: Symphonic Black Metal Country: Malta Label: Witchcraft rec. Year: 2008 l.t. Form..
MASACRE "Cancer de nuestros dias..." cd
Title: "Cancer de nuestros dias/Colombia... Imperio del terror" Definition: Death Metal ..
MASSEMORD "...a journey through life and death" cd
Definition: Black Metal Country: international Label: Obscure Abhorrence prod. Format: CD Ye..
MASSEMORD "12 Years of mass murder" cd
Definition: Black Metal Country: Norway Label: Perish In Light Format: CD Total time: 69:02..
MASSEMORD "Obscura Symphonia" cd
Definition: Black Metal Country: Norway Label: BlackMetal Com. Year: 2004 l.t. Format: CD ..
MASTER "Slaves To Society" cd
Definition: Death-Thrash Metal Country: USA Label: Fallen-Angels prod. Year: 2020 l.t. Format: C..
MASTIPHAL "For a glory of all evil spirits, rise for victory" cd
Definition: Dark-Black Metal Country: Poland Label: Nuclear War Now! prod. Year: 2015 l...
MATER MONSTIFERA "Na Zrcadlech Lží" /On The Mirrors Of Lies/ cd
Definition: Symphonic Black Metal Country: Czech rep. Label: Parat prod. Format: CD Year: 20..
MATER MONSTIFERA "Vězení bizarních bohů" /Prison Of Bizarre Gods/ cd
Definition: Symphonic Black Metal Country: Czech rep. Label: Parat prod. Format: CD with 8 pag..
MATRICIDE "Holy Virgin" m-cd
Definition: Satanic Black Metal Country: Sweden Label: Unholy Horde rec. Year: 2006 l.t. For..
MAZE OF TORMENT "The force" cd
Definition: Death-Thrash Metal Country: Sweden Label: Iron Fist prod. Format: CD Total time:..
MEDO "Matéria Negra" cd
Definition: Black Metal Country: Portugal Label: War prod. Year: recorded in 2009-10 l.t. Fo..
MEGHORASH/ LUGBURZ "We Are Damned" split cd-r
Definition: Black Metal Country: Poland Label: god is Dead rec. Year: 2006 l.t. Format: spl..
MEKIGAH "Autexousious" digipack cd
Definition: Doom Metal/Noise Ambient Country: Australia Label: Aesthetic Death Format: 3..