ETHEREAL PANDEMONIUM "jesus.christ@hell.com" tape
Definition: Blackened Doom Metal Country Slovakia Label: Hrom rec. Year: recorded in 2001-02 l..
EVIL INCARNATE "Enemy of god" tape
Definition: Satanic Death Metal Country: USA Label: Maltkross/DeathMetal Mania prod./Sound of Ch..
EVILNASTY "Blasphemia Canorae" pro tape
Definition: Black Heavy Metal Country: Italy Label: Metallatria Distribution Year: 2004 l.t. ..
EVOKED CURSE "Merciless Revenge" tape
Definition: Blackened Heavy Metal Country: Finland Label: Hellwar prod. Year: 2006 l.t. Form..
EXCIDIUM "Infernal Oath" tape
Definition: Thrash-Black Metal Country: Poland Label: Final Embrace rec. Year: 2008 l.t. For..
EXETHERIS "Sick & Decadent Feelings" tape
Definition: Black Metal Country: Greece Label: War Flagellation prod. Year: 2007 l.t. Format..
FAARTHKRAG "The Station, The Passenger and The Vast Chasm" tape
Definition: Black Metal/Noise Ambient Country: Belgium Label: Occult Sadism Year: 2008 l.t. ..
FACELESS GOD "Faceless God" pro tape
Definition: Black Metal Country: Greece Label: Askio prod. Year: 2021 l.t. (recorded in ..
FALLEN ARKANE "Beyond the Altar" tape
Definition: Black Metal Country: France Year: 2008 l.t. Format: tape, b/w xerox cover, lim. to..
FATALISM "Mystery of Death" 3-inch mini cd-r/pro tape
Definition: Experimental Ethereal Gloom Country: USA Label: Eternal Death Year: 2014 l.t. Fo..
FIRTH OF DAMNATION "Carpe Noctum" tape
Definition: Black Metal Country: USA Label: War Flagellation prod. Year: 2007 l.t. Format: t..
FLAGELLUM DEI "Tormentor... Of The False Creator" tape
Definition: Black Metal Country: Portugal Label: Alastor Rex distro Year: 2005 l.t. Format:..
FOREST MOONLIGHT "Mid Winter Mournings" tape
Definition: Black Metal/Ambient Country: England Label: Blackwood prod. Format: tape with 4 pa..